Saturday, January 23, 2010

"Bed Hair"

So I wanted to start a new project but Im just brainstorming and really just messing around. I actually wanted to play with my camera and actually blog since i havent in a while. But the concept of this project is to take pictures wen your not actually "picture ready." For example, just getting out of bed, still in your jammies, hair everywhere, and eye boogers all crusty in the corner of your eye, (well not that gross and raw) haha but yea. I know the ladies take forever doing make-up before going out so imma try to get them before or during like wen they look like they have one black eye! haha so all my lady friends, watch your back wen getting ready!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pictures of the day

I haven't been keeping up with my Pictures of the day in a while so here is a preview of 2010... Hope you like. (click for larger images)

"Beebee missing mamas"
Nikon D60 18-135mm f4.8 1/400sec iso 800

"Stay Classy"
Nikon D60 18-135mm f3.5 1/25sec iso 1600

Pictures just taken around the house. Light post production.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New (start)Years

1. I think this is everyone's New Years resolution. Health. Health is very important and i see that 2010 everyone is trying to change to better themselves. Well me too! haha I already started and i feel great, However, I have been drinking a lot lately and I need to stop. But I have been eating right and working out more often.
2. My passion. What am I passionate about? Well lots of things. But really I love photography and I need to involve it more in my daily life. If its just to take random pictures at costco to waking up in the middle of the night to draw up a lighting diagram for a shoot. I will read more and learn more about this passion of mind and hopefully get my pictures seen and get my foot in entertainment world? haha i just want my pictures to be seen and people know my name.
3. Friends, family, girlfriend, and everyone! 2009 I lost a handful of friends so 2010 i hope to make a SH*T load of friends haha. I need to keep my relationships as strong as they are stronger. The friends i barely see, i would like to see more! My family comes first and sometime I put them second or third, and I'm making a change for that. My girlfriend... we kinda grown apart due to school, work and other things. But 2010 is the start to our new life. I need more time with her, to doing absolutly nothing, to jumping in a room full of trampolines.
4. get a job? haha i hope so. not really looking because I want to make my passion my job. and school is coming up with a load for me. I am really trying to get done with school and make my parents proud.

Friday, January 1, 2010


WOW! He just did a flying kick! haha WHAT A BOSS!

watch, so true